James & Mario Wellington

James Wellington and Mario Wellington were being loved and cared for by another rescue group, Orange Street Cats.  They were working to help socialize these boys who are absolutely terrified of people.  Then tragedy struck when Orange Street Cats had a fire at their location.  They asked if anyone could help take in some of the cats that had been in their care until they could rebuild and Whiskers stepped in to take the Wellingtons.  The boys are adjusting to the shelter and our volunteers will continue the socialization work that Orange Street Cats had started with these two scared boys.  Many of the local rescue groups work together for the common good of the animals, and your donations allow us to continue this work.  Please consider sponsoring these sweet boys.
UPDATE 2019: Both James and Mario have crossed over the rainbow bridge.  We take comfort in knowing they are reuinted on the other side of the bridge.